The CHEMGUARD® ZF Inductor consists of a bronze body, foam inlet, metering orifice, and recovery horn. The foam inlet has a grooved connection adapter and check valve installed by the manufacturer. The body is labeled to show flow direction and system information such as concentrate type, induction rate, flow rate, and pressure. The orifice is sized by the manufacturer for the specific flow and pressure in which the inductor will be installed.
Standard inductor installations may have suction heights of up to 11.5 ft (3.5 m). Total concentrate piping must not exceed the maximum suction height as a combination of friction loss and elevation head loss from the lowest possible foam concentrate level that can be accessed by the suction line. For suction heights above 11.5 ft (3.5 m), contact Technical Services.
The inductor is installed between two ANSI Class 150 or DIN PN16 flanges. A minimum amount of straight pipe is necessary upstream and downstream of the inductor. See Dimensions J and K under Inductor Dimensions for recommended minimum pipe lengths at each inductor size.
The CHEMGUARD® ZF Inductor injects foam concentrate into a water stream in a foam system with fixed flow rates. The inductor is designed to handle high back-pressures, extending the allowable distance from the point of foam injection to the point of foam application.
The Inductor can be calibrated for use with many types of foam concentrate, making it suitable for a variety of foam system applications. The inductor is designed to be installed between flanges with a suction line installed to draw foam from an atmospheric foam concentrate tank.
Typical applications include deluge systems with sprinklers or high-expansion generators such as those used in aircraft hangers or storage facilities.